Golden Rule Services Board of Directors
Our Board of Directors are a group of qualified individuals dedicated to supporting the work of Golden Rule Services and providing mission-based leadership and strategic governance. Our board reflects the demographic profiles of the target populations that the organization serves. Their responsibilities include determining the organization’s mission and purpose, selecting a qualified Executive Director, supporting the Executive and reviewing his/her performance, ensuring effective organizational planning, ensuring adequate responses, effective resource management, determining and monitoring the organization’s programs and resources, enhancing the organization’s public image, and serving as a court of appeal, and assessing its performance.
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Current Board of Directors

James Douglas
President - Golden Rule Services
James Douglas became a volunteer for Golden Rule Services in 2008. Because of years of demonstrated dedication and commitment to the organization, he was elevated to board member in 2013. Since then he has helped raise over $100,000.

George Fisher
Vice-President - Golden Rule Services
George Fisher has had executive and creative responsibilities in founding and operating Fisher Company of NSL, Utah, for more than 50 years. He holds several patents for innovations in plastic coatings. During his years of service, he has been on several boards of directors for industry associations, trade groups, and select committees in the pharmaceutical, nuclear, and semiconductor industries. His community service has included leadership in his congregation and work with youth groups in scouting in both Anglo and Hispanic congregations.

RuthAnn Fisher
Treasurer - Golden Rule Services
RuthAnn Fisher is the former CEO of a small family company in Utah. Her accounting and financial planning have been integral and key to the success of Fisher Company over several decades. She has been active as a volunteer in her church responsibilities and has worked with youth groups as a teacher and administrator in a Spanish-speaking congregation. With her husband, George, she volunteered two years of her time living and serving among LDS Church members in Lima, Peru.

Matthew Burlingame-Couk
Secretary - Golden Rule Services,
Matthew Burlingame-Couk is an award-winning journalist and playwright. He has spent over 20 years working with LGBTQ nonprofits and is a founding member of Sacramento’s Lavender Library. He has served on numerous theater boards, including Sacramento City Theater. He has been the co-founder and/or editor of over five Sacramento publications. He was also an LGBTQ radio talk show host, co-hosted a groundbreaking MSM sexual education podcast, and is a Vicar (Reverend) of the Universal Life Church, focusing on pagan spirituality.
Golden Rule Services Staff

Clarmundo Sullivan
Founder & Executive Director

NeGel Robinson
Programs Supervisor

William Rhodes, B.S.W.
Ryan White
Non-Medical Case Manager

Kellen Willhite
Lead PrEP Navigator Consultant

Miguel Diaz
Non-Medical Case Manager