Local Resources
Harm Reduction

California law prohibits the sale, distribution, or possession of materials defined as “drug paraphernalia.” However, for many years the state has recognized the scientific consensus that access to sterile syringes and other safer drug use equipment protects people from HIV and viral hepatitis infection, injury, and other negative health consequences. Consequently, state law makes several broad exceptions to drug paraphernalia laws, allowing staff and volunteers of syringe services programs (SSPs), physicians, and pharmacists to legally distribute such equipment, and people who use drugs to legally possess them.
For syringe disposal information call 1-800-CLEANUP or go to search.earth911.com
- For drug and alcohol treatment information call 1-800-662-4357.
- For HIV and hepatitis testing and treatment call 1-800-662-4357 or go to cdcnpin.org/ca
HIV Care & Treatment
Golden Rules Services is a Ryan White Care Act Service Provider.

HIV Testing

Free Rapid HIV Testing
Did you know:
20% of people in the U.S. who are HIV positive don’t know their HIV status? People may show no signs or symptoms of HIV infection for up to 10 years?
If you would like to know more about HIV or know your status, please call us to receive a rapid HIV test. Our tests are FREE, CONFIDENTIAL and PAINLESS!
Know your status in just 20 minutes.
To schedule your free HIV test, please call 916-427-4653 or click here to schedule an appointment.
We are located at:
Golden Rule Services 4433 Florin Road, Suite 760 , Sacramento, CA, 95823
STD Care & Treatment
Coming Soon.

STD Testing

GRS Offers Free STD Testing for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea
Golden Rule Services offers free, confidential, low-stress testing for the STDs of Chlamydia and Gonorrhea. We use a urine-based test known as “Aptima Combo 2 for CT/NG.“
Once your results of your tests are back, we can contact you via email, phone or in person, whichever is your preference.
If you should test positive for an STD, we are willing to assist you with scheduling your treatment appointment, navigate you to treatment, sit with you during your intake process, and conduct a follow-up call after treatment.
We are currently appointment-only. Please call 916-427-4653 to schedule an appointment, or for more information. You can also click here to schedule an appointment.
State Resources
National Resources
A comprehensive online resource that provides access to high-quality, accurate, and timely information for patients, caregivers, health professionals, educators, and case managers.
AIDS infoⓇ
Federally approved HIV/AIDS medical practice guidelines. HIV treatment and prevention clinical trials, and other research information. aidsinfo.nih.gov or infosida.nih.gov (Spanish)
Consumer health related information related to HIV/AIDS and other diseases and conditions, wellness, drugs, herbs, and supplements. Includes directories, medical encyclopedia, medical dictionary, and health check tools. medlineplus/gov or medlineplus.gov/spanish (Spanish)
Database providing information about current ongoing clinical research studies on drugs and treatments. clinicaltrials.gov
Multi-Cultural resources for Health Information
Culturally and linguistically appropriate health information and resources for diverse communities. sis.nlm.nih.gov/outreach/multicultural.html
Drug Information Portal
Portal to current drug information from NLM and other federal agencies
Bibliographic database comprising millions of citations for biomedical literature, life sciences journals, and online books pubmed.gov
Public Health Partners
Web portal that helps public health workers find and use information effectively to imprtove and protect the public’s health phpartners.org
Training Materials and Resources
HIV/AIDS Information Resources from the National Library of Medicine
- sis.nlm.nih.gov/outreach/hivaidsworkbook.pdf
- Recursos de informacion de la Biblioteca Nacional de Medicina sobre la infeccion por el VIH/SIDAsis.nlm.nih.gov/outreach/hivaidsworkbookspanish.pdf
- How to find reliable HIV/AIDS Treatment Information on the web
sis.nlm.nih.gov/outreach/hivaidstreatmentmanual.pdf- HIV/AIDS Information from the National Library of Medicine Webinar
National Library of Medicine
8600 Rockville Pike
Bethesda, MD 20894
Keep up on the latest HIV/AIDS
medical and health information with:
- Gallery of Mobile Apps and Sites: nlm.nih.gov/mobile
- News Updates from NLMs Diverian of Specialized Information Services: sis.nlm.nih.gov/outreach/news.html
- Outreach to specific populations (OSP) Listserve: sis.nlm.nih.gov/outreach/osplistserv.html